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[Color blue][I][B] Rodrigo Stuart[/B][/I][/Color] [Color=red][B][I… Hybrid image/package system with atomic upgrades and package layering - coreos/rpm-ostree RPMs like Puppet and Google Chrome go in /opt. For the package layering case, in this PR we made it an obvious error. The core problem here is: OSTree defines /opt (really /var/opt) as system administrator territory - it's never rolled f. Hybrid image/package system with atomic upgrades and package layering - coreos/rpm-ostree Some time ago, I attempted to install FreeBSD on my Apple MacBook Pro CoreDuo, but ended up getting frustrated with the booting process and wiped it clean. 7.0-Release attempted to enable GUID Partition Table support, but it didn't seem to… In wstree right now krb5-libs is a dependency of various things in the base OS. krb5-workstation is an app that uses it - however, it's version locked. 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